Computational Approaches to Social Dynamics:
Data, Modeling, Simulation, and Hybrids
Friday, 2 August 2019

Aim of the workshop
The recent explosion of online big data has allowed us to conduct high-resolution quantitative modeling and analysis of complex human social behaviors. This has completely changed the way of studying collective behaviors of humans in social systems. Conventional approaches that attempted to model human behaviors using mathematically rigorous yet idealized game theoretic frameworks often failed to predict real social dynamics, because humans are often irrational and do not follow well-defined decision making protocols. Big data analytics provides us with more empirical methods and tools to capture and analyze such realistic human behaviors.
Meanwhile, this change does not necessarily mean the traditional theoretical frameworks such as game theory have lost values in scientific research on human behaviors. What is more important than ever, is to merge and integrate these multiple approaches to develop a comprehensive methodology for the understanding of human social behaviors. The key ingredient that transcends methodological variations is “computation.”
The aim of this workshop is to provide a transdisciplinary venue where researchers within and outside the Artificial Life community can come together, share their cutting-edge research on data-driven approaches and/or theoretical/mathematical approaches to human social behaviors, and collectively develop an integrated, comprehensive computational methodology for the understanding of real-world human social dynamics. Of particular interest at this workshop, as an example of hybrids of multiple approaches, is in the hybrid coordination of autonomous software agents and real humans, which has a potential to show better performance in practical problem solving than only humans or software alone. Other computational and/or hybrid approaches will also be explored. The topics of interest at this workshop include (but are not limited to):
Social dynamics
Social coordination
Social simulation
Social networks
(Evolutionary) game theory
Collective intelligence
Collective dynamics
Experimental economics
Network experiments
Economic games
Online labor markets
Online social data sets
Software agents
Computational social science
Hybrid approaches
17 July: Program was updated.
3 June: Program was updated.
25 May: One of the invited speakers is Dr. Hirokazu Shirado from Yale University!
23 May: Deadline for abstract submission extended to 31 May
Call for abstracts
If you are interested in presenting at our workshop, please submit a brief abstract via email ( by 24 May 31 May, 2019.
The abstract should be a one-page (300-500 words) PDF file reporting original, published or ongoing work.
The top of the submitted abstracts must contain the title of the presentation, the list of authors and their affiliations, and the contact information (email) of the corresponding author.
The abstract template is available here.
Important dates
24 May 31 May: Paper submission deadline
21 June: Author notification
5 July: Camera ready deadline
2 August: Workshop
The workshop will consist of invited talk(s), contributed talks.
Abstract is here.
See the program page.

Genki Ichinose
Shizuoka University, Japan

Fernando P. Santos
Princeton University, USA

Francisco C. Santos
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal